They are a beautiful ring around the SFValley. Didn’t know William Shatner was a resident! Look at how he stays fit and active. Proud of you, Captain Kirk.
SFV councilmembers address homeless issues
When Valley councilmembers get together, homelessness is topic No....
Walt Disney’s Barn Studio

Jun 6, 2016
This next weekend — June 12 — is the third Sunday of the month. That means you can visit a little piece of the Magic Kingdom! Or where some of the ideas for model trains in the kingdom were being worked out by Walt Disney in this little studio. The barn was moved to Griffith Park from Disney’s home in Holmby Hills. As one author has dubbed it, it’s now the...
Hansen Dam Lake

Jun 5, 2016
The dogs and SFV Granny headed to the little remnant lake of what used to be a huge lake in front of Hansen Dam in Lake View Terrace (generations learned to sail here). We wanted to see how much water was left before the hot weather evaporates it. The basin is crisscrossed with miles of trails through the riparian environment. Sunday afternoon brings out...
Tomatoes galore and it’s only April!

Apr 27, 2016
Just another reason to love SFV: since we didn’t have a freeze this winter, two of my tomato plants from last summer hung in there! They had grown into a neglected tangle by the time I got to them in late March. I’ve been able to harvest a few tomatoes along the way. But with the spell of warm sunshine we’ve enjoyed here in the Valley for the past couple of...
Picking Grapefruit at Orcutt Ranch

Feb 14, 2016
Twice a year the Orcutt Ranch allows the public to pick fruit from the orchards. In January, SFV Granny and Mom gleaned several bags of grapefruit. Early in July, a summer variety of oranges will be ripe for picking. This historic ranch (Rancho Sombra del Roble – Ranch in the Shade of the Oaks) was developed by an early oil tycoon and discoverer of La Brea Tar...