4th Largest Unofficial City in America!

June 22 The Pirates Take Off

Captain James Hunnewell had been living at Honolulu for six months now. He could have caught a ship to the Pacific coast or to China, and then on to Boston. He seems comfortable enough living in paradise. He did some trading, taking payment in piculs of sandalwood (a picul is a Chinese measurement, as they were the buyers for the fragrant sandalwood used as...

June 21 Pirates arrive at Honoruru

Merchant James Hunnewell living in Honolulu wrote in his journal: ” The brig that anchored off the harbor last evening proves to be the prize belonging to the patriots at Owyhee (Hawaii). They report they are bound for Canton, but in the course of the day they told contradictory stories. They have been collecting seed, and I expect they are bound to some...